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What's the Sandesch sign all about?

Updated: Jan 25, 2019

The sign was born by coincidence, but turned out to be very meaningful.

When Christoph analyzed some music he used roman numerals to label the chords where "i" stands for the root chord in a minor key. After realising the he analysed some of it wrong, he simply scratched out the chords, hence the squiggly line through the "i."

A few days later he looked at the piece of paper again, on which he did the chord analysis a few days earlier, and was wondering "what is this supposed to be"? He didn't look at the "i," with the squiggly line through it, with the eyes of a musician in that moment; the sign suddenly looked very interesting and Christoph started to look at it more in depth and sure enough, the sign started to make sense, it suddenly meant so many things.

The straight line and the dot:

Life, plans and the ultimate goal. We all have our plans and want to accomplish something in our life; we have goals and ideas on how to make these goals come true. The straight line represents these plans or life and the dot represents the final stage, the end goal ... Well, sometimes life comes up with a better idea; hence, the curvy line through the straight line. Life takes us on many winding roads, unexpected turns bring us to places, experiences and realizations that were definitely not in our plan, but sometimes these unexpected curves turn out to be even better than what we had planned ...


A simple man, a guardian of a gated living community in argentina once said:

"Family is the root of being human." The symbol "i," the line and the dot, is the roman numeral "one" and is used in music theory to represent the first chord of a scale or as the first chord of the key that a musical piece is written in. Since it is the "first" it is sometimes also referred to as the "root," the "root chord." Putting it all together, the symbols stands for one of our most natural and basic institutions that makes us human: "family"


The straight line and the dot may be seen as the spine of a human and the dot as the head. The curved line represents arms and legs, just like some yoga symbols are drawn in such a simple way. Further, the curved line up the spine towards the head represents "kundalini." Kundalini is the ultimate goal of yoga, to release the energy from the root chakra and to let it rise up the spine and the "shushumna" towards the crown chakra to gain enlightenment and the ultimate liberation.

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