"Für dich" means "for you." "Für dich" is first album "Für dich" has a lot of good messages for you all. From motivational songs like "Himmel hoch" and "Dein Lächeln" with lots of compliments to socio critical songs such as "Treue Bewohner dieser Erde" and "Lass sie gehen," Sandesch addresses all kinds of characteristics of people and society. "Du" is just a smooth song that floats and makes you relax. "Lied and dich," the first song Sandesch ever wrote, a bit on the cheesy side, is dedicated to "You." ; )
The art work on the front cover, designed by "Create a lot," represents Shakti. Shakti stands for love! Shakti gives the words to the listener when listening to the songs from "Für dich," hence the title "Für dich" / "For you"